Delegates convene in Port of Spain
The twenty-third CAA General Assembly was generously hosted by the Trinidad and Tobago Institute of Architects (TTIA) in Port of Spain on 08 August 2022 and was followed by a congress which considered the professions’ response to global challenges.
Council Members were joined by representatives from member organisations around the Caribbean together with Bangladesh, Canada, Kenya, Pakistan and Rwanda. CAA Trustees, Sumita Singha and Annette Fischer, also joined the proceedings together with UIA President, Jose Louis Cortez.
The General Assembly was conducted in hybrid format for the first time, and ran smoothly. A number of changes to the Constitution were adopted, including a reduction in the term of Council from three years to two. CAA Council also adopted its business plan for the period 2022-2024.
Following the General Assembly, the TTIA hosted a two-day conference on the theme of ‘Sink or Swim’, which considered impact of man on the environment and the need for collective action. This was followed by the CAA Award Ceremony at which Architect Rafiq Azam from Shatotto in Bangladesh received the prestigious CAA Robert Matthew Lifetime Achievement Award while Architect Brian Bullen, from COCOA Architects in the Bahamas won the CAA Design Excellence Award.
The CAA Student Design Awards also attracted much attention with the winner, Henry Kirungi from Uganda, Commendations to Bangladesh, Pakistan, South Africa and Jamaica. Special mentions were also awarded to Bangladesh and South Africa.
The event concluded with the handing over ceremony at which outgoing President, Kalim Siddiqui from Pakistan, inaugurated incoming President, Peter Oborn, from the UK, supported by Senior Vice President and President Elect, Steven Oundo from Kenya.
Published: 08 August 2022